Privacy and Confidentiality Statement

At FY Business we are dedicated to upholding the privacy and confidentiality of information shared with our website users. This statement outlines our commitment to safeguarding sensitive data exchanged during your interaction with our website.

1. Purpose

This statement aims to transparently communicate the measures we employ to protect user privacy and maintain the confidentiality of any information exchanged on our website.

2. Confidentiality

We recognize the significance of preserving the confidentiality of your information. Any data, files, documents, or materials shared with us through our website will be treated with strict confidentiality, encompassing all forms of information, whether written, electronic, oral, or otherwise, that are not publicly available.

3. Secure Interaction

Our website ensures secure interactions for users. While we employ security measures to protect data, users are also responsible for exercising caution and adhering to best practices to ensure the security of their information.

4. Data Usage

Any information shared with us through our website will solely be used for the intended purposes outlined during the interaction. We commit not to disclose, reproduce, distribute, or utilize the information for any other purpose without prior user consent.

5. Retention

After the conclusion of any user interaction on our website, data shared will be retained for seamless future interactions and as per our data retention policy.

6. Legal Compliance

We are dedicated to adhering to all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards related to data protection, privacy, and confidentiality.

7. Shared Responsibility

While we take every precaution to protect user information, it is crucial for both parties to use secure methods of communication and exercise diligence in keeping access credentials safe.

8. Limitation of Liability

We cannot be held liable for accidental disclosures of information beyond our control, such as hacking, unauthorized access, or technical failures of our website.

By engaging with our website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our commitment to privacy and confidentiality. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the privacy and confidentiality of your information, please feel free to contact us at

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Based in Sydney, Australia.

Phone: 0422 428 977
Post: PO BOX 3613, RHODES NSW 2143